Lor Unifeed Red Plus

Lor Unifeed Red Plus

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Red Plus LOR is a red pigment based on canthaxanthin for birds of red factor






Red Plus LOR is a red pigment based on canthaxanthin for birds of red factor


7.75% canthaxanthin, 5% sugars, ß-carotene 1.75%, inert support Q.B. 100


Red Plus Lor must be added in a maximum amount of 6 / kg of LOR UNIFEED.

In the case of using a feed based on seeds and pasta add up to a maximum of 8 g / kg of pastoncino.

Administer RED PLUS daily during the molting period of the birds. To pigment the chicks, it is advisable to start administering the RED PLUS dye. the broodstock at least 2 weeks before laying.

WARNING: Excess dye can be evaluated by the color of the stool. If they are red, reduce the amount of RED PLUS. Excessive doses of RED PLUS can cause discoloration beyond the required standards and can also cause metabolic abnormalities in birds.

Formats: 50gr, 200gr, 500gr and 1kg.

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